Jagannath Ashtakam Lyrics & Meaning

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Jagannath Ashtakam Lyrics  In Bengali 

কদাচি ত্কালিংদী তটবিপিনসংগীতকপরো
মুদা গোপীনারী বদনকমলাস্বাদমধুপঃ
রমাশংভুব্রহ্মা মরপতিগণেশার্চিতপদো
জগন্নাথঃ স্বামী নয়নপথগামী ভবতু মে || 1 ||
ভুজে সব্য়ে বেণুং শিরসি শিখিপিংছং কটিতটে
দুকূলং নেত্রান্তে সহচর কটাক্ষং বিদধতে
সদা শ্রীমদ্বৃংদা বনবসতিলীলাপরিচয়ো
জগন্নাথঃ স্বামী নয়নপথগামী ভবতু মে || 2 ||
মহাংভোধেস্তীরে কনকরুচিরে নীলশিখরে
বসন্প্রাসাদাংত -স্সহজবলভদ্রেণ বলিনা
সুভদ্রামধ্য়স্থ স্সকলসুরসেবাবসরদো
জগন্নাথঃ স্বামী নয়নপথগামী ভবতু মে || 3 ||

Sri Jagannatha Ashtakam

কথাপারাবারা স্সজলজলদশ্রেণিরুচিরো
রমাবাণীসৌম স্সুরদমলপদ্মোদ্ভবমুখৈঃ
সুরেংদ্রৈ রারাধ্য়ঃ শ্রুতিগণশিখাগীতচরিতো
জগন্নাথঃ স্বামী নয়নপথগামী ভবতু মে || 4 ||
রথারূঢো গচ্ছ ন্পথি মিলঙতভূদেবপটলৈঃ
স্তুতিপ্রাদুর্ভাবং প্রতিপদ মুপাকর্ণ্য় সদয়ঃ
দয়াসিন্ধু র্ভানু স্সকলজগতা সিংধুসুতয়া
জগন্নাথঃ স্বামী নয়নপথগামী ভবতু মে || 5 ||
পরব্রহ্মাপীডঃ কুবলয়দলোত্ফুল্লনয়নো
নিবাসী নীলাদ্রৌ নিহিতচরণোনংতশিরসি
রসানংদো রাধা সরসবপুরালিংগনসুখো
জগন্নাথঃ স্বামী নয়নপথগামী ভবতু মে || 6 ||
ন বৈ প্রার্থ্য়ং রাজ্য়ং ন চ কনকিতাং ভোগবিভবং
ন য়াচে2 হং রম্য়াং নিখিলজনকাম্য়াং বরবধূং
সদা কালে কালে প্রমথপতিনা চীতচরিতো
জগন্নাথঃ স্বামী নয়নপথগামী ভবতু মে || 7 ||
হর ত্বং সংসারং দ্রুততর মসারং সুরপতে
হর ত্বং পাপানাং বিততি মপরাং য়াদবপতে
অহো দীনানাথং নিহিত মচলং নিশ্চিতপদং
জগন্নাথঃ স্বামী নয়নপথগামী ভবতু মে || 8 ||

ইতি জগন্নাথাকষ্টকং

Jagannath Ashtakam Lyrics & Meaning

Sri Jagannatha Ashtakam Meaning:

Sometimes in great happiness Lord Jagannatha, with His flute, makes a loud concert in the groves on the banks of the Yamuna. He is like a bumblebee who tastes the beautiful lotus-like faces of the cowherd damsels of Vraja, and His lotus feet are worshiped by great personalities such as Lakshmi, Siva, Brahma, Indra and Ganesa. May that Jagannatha Swami be the object of my vision.
In His left hand Lord Jagannatha holds a flute. On His head He wears the feathers of peacocks and on His hips He wears fine yellow silken cloth. Out of the corners of His eyes He bestows sidelong glances upon His loving devotees and He always reveals Himself through His pastimes in His divine abode of Vrindavana. May that Jagannatha Swami be the object of my vision.
Residing on the shore of the great ocean, within a large palace situated upon the crest of the brilliant, golden Nilacala Hill, along with His powerful brother Bala-bhadra, and in the middle of Them His sister Subhadra, Lord Jagannatha bestows the opportunity for devotional service upon all godly souls. May that Jagannatha Swami be the object of my vision.
Lord Jagannatha is an ocean of mercy and He is beautiful like a row of blackish rain clouds. He is the storehouse of bliss for Lakshmi and Saraswati, and His face is like a spotless full-blown lotus. He is worshiped by the best of demigods and sages, and His glories are sung by the Upanishads. May that Jagannatha Swami be the object of my vision.
When Lord Jagannatha is on His Ratha-yatra cart and is moving along the road, at every step there is a loud presentation of prayers and songs chanted by large assemblies of brahmanas. Hearing their hymns Lord Jagannatha is very favorably disposed towards them. He is the ocean of mercy and the true friend of all the worlds. May that Jagannatha Swami, along with His consort Lakshmi, who was born from the ocean of nectar, be the object of my vision.
He is the ornament of the head of Lord Brahma and His eyes are like the full-blown petals of the lotus. He resides on the Nilacala Hill, and His lotus feet are placed on the heads of Ananta Deva. Lord Jagannatha is overwhelmed by the mellow of love and He becomes joyful in the embracing of the body of Sri Radharani, which is like a cool pond. May that Jagannatha Swami be the object of my vision.
I do not pray for a kingdom, nor for gold, rubies, and wealth. I do not ask for an excellent and beautiful wife as desired by all men. I simply pray that Jagannatha Swami, whose glories are always sung by Lord Siva, be the constant object of my vision.
O Lord of the demigods, please quickly remove this useless material existence I am undergoing. O Lord of the Yadus, please destroy this vast ocean of sins which has no shore. Alas, this is certain that Lord Jagannatha’s lotus feet are bestowed upon those who feel themselves fallen and have no shelter in this world but Him. May that Jagannatha Swami be the object of my vision.
The self-retrained, virtuous soul who recites these eight verses glorifying Lord Jagannatha becomes cleansed of all sins and duly proceeds to Lord Visnu’s abode.
Thus ends the eight stanza hymn Jagannathastakam composed by srimat saṅkaracarya
Sri Maha Vishnu Stotrams – Sri Jagannatha Ashtakam Lyrics in English
kadaci tkaḷindi tatavipinasaṅgitakaparo
muda gopinari vadanakamalasvadamadhupah
ramasambhubrahma marapatiganesarcitapado
jagannathah svami nayanapathagami bhavatu me || 1 ||
bhuje savye venum sirasi sikhipimcham katitate
dukulam netrante sahacara kataksam vidadhate
sada srimadbṛnda vanavasatililaparicayo
jagannathah svami nayanapathagami bhavatu me || 2 ||
mahambhodhestire kanakarucire nilasikhare
vasanprasadanta -ssahajabalabhadrena balina
subhadramadhyastha ssakalasurasevavasarado
jagannathah svami nayanapathagami bhavatu me || 3 ||
kathaparavara ssajalajaladasreniruciro
ramavanisauma ssuradamalapadmodbhavamukhaih
surendrai raradhyah srutiganasikhagitacarito
jagannathah svami nayanapathagami bhavatu me || 4 ||
ratharudho gaccha npathi miḷaṅatabhudevapatalaih
stutipradurbhavam pratipada mupakarnya sadayah
dayasindhu rbhanu ssakalajagata sindhusutaya
jagannathah svami nayanapathagami bhavatu me || 5 ||
parabrahmapidah kuvalayadaḷotphullanayano
nivasi niladrau nihitacaranonantasirasi
rasanando radha sarasavapuraliṅganasukho
jagannathah svami nayanapathagami bhavatu me || 6 ||
na vai prarthyam rajyam na ca kanakitam bhogavibhavam
na yace2 ham ramyam nikhilajanakamyam varavadhum
sada kale kale pramathapatina citacarito
jagannathah svami nayanapathagami bhavatu me || 7 ||
hara tvam samsaram drutatara masaram surapate
hara tvam papanam vitati maparam yadavapate
aho dinanatham nihita macalam niscitapadam
jagannathah svami nayanapathagami bhavatu me || 8 ||
iti jagannathakastakam

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